Chemistry worksheet
    Topic: Organic Compounds
    Organic Compounds

    Given the formula for a compound:

    organic-compounds fig: chem12020-exam_g7.png

    What is a chemical name for the compound?

    (1) 1-butanamine

    (2) 1-butanol

    (3) butanamide

    (4) butanoic acid


    Which organic prefix is matched with the number of carbon atoms that it represents?

    (1) hept-, 7

    (2) non-, 8

    (3) pent-, 3

    (4) prop-, 4


    Given the formula of a compound:

    organic-compounds fig: chem62019-exam_g11.png

    This compound is classifi ed as an

    (1) aldehyde

    (2) alkene

    (3) alkyne

    (4) alcohol


    Given the formula representing a molecule:

    organic-compounds fig: chem62019-exam_g10.png

    A chemical name for this compound is

    (1) pentanone

    (2) 1-pentanol

    (3) 1-pentanamine

    (4) pentanamide


    What is the general formula for the homologous series that includes ethene?

    (1) CnH2n

    (2) CnH2n−6

    (3) CnH2n−2

    (4) CnH2n+2


    The atoms of which element bond to one another in chains, rings, and networks?

    (1) barium

    (2) carbon

    (3) iodine

    (4) mercury


    Given the formula for a compound:

    organic-compounds fig: chem12019-exam_g8.png

    What is a chemical name for this compound?

    (1) 1-butanamide

    (2) 4-butanamide

    (3) 1-butanamine

    (4) 4-butanamine


    What is the chemical name for the compound CH3CH2CH2CH3?

    (1) butane

    (2) butene

    (3) decane

    (4) decene


    Which formula can represent an alkyne?

    (1) C2H4

    (2) C2H6

    (3) C3H4

    (4) C3H6


    A molecule of any organic compound has at least one

    (1) ionic bond

    (2) double bond

    (3) oxygen atom

    (4) carbon atom

    Base your answers to questions 11 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.

    The electrical conductivity of three aqueous solutions was tested at room temperature. A 0.1 M HCl(aq) solution conducted, but a 6.0 M HCl(aq) solution was a better conductor. A 0.1 M C6H12O6(aq) solution was also tested. During this laboratory activity, appropriate safety equipment was used and safety procedures were followed.


    Identify the element in C6H12O6 that allows it to be classified as an organic compound.

    Allow 1 credit for C or carbon.

    Base your answers to questions 12 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.

    The solvent 2-chloropropane can be made when chemists react propene with hydrogen chloride, as shown in the equation below.

    organic-compounds fig: chem82019-exam_g12.png


    Identify the element in propene that is in all organic compounds.

    Allow 1 credit for C or carbon.

    Base your answers to questions 13 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.

    Ethyl ethanoate is used as a solvent for varnishes and in the manufacture of artifi cial leather. The formula below represents a molecule of ethyl ethanoate.

    organic-compounds fig: chem62019-exam_g16.png


    Identify the element in ethyl ethanoate that makes it an organic compound.

    Allow 1 credit for C or carbon.

    Base your answers to questions 14 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.

    The equation below represents an industrial preparation of diethyl ether.

    organic-compounds fig: chem82018-exam_g11.png


    Identify the element in compound B that makes it an organic compound.

    Allow 1 credit for C or carbon.

    Base your answers to questions 15 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.

    Diethyl ether is used as a laboratory and industrial solvent. The boiling point of diethyl ether at standard pressure is 34.6°C. The equation below represents a reaction that produces diethyl ether.

    organic-compounds fig: chem82017-exam_g21.png


    Identify the element in diethyl ether that allows it to be classified as an organic compound.

    Allow 1 credit for carbon or C.