Chemistry worksheet
    Topic: Wave Mechanical Model
    Wave Mechanical Model

    Which statement describes a concept included in the wave-mechanical model of the atom?

    (1) Protons, neutrons, and electrons are located in the nucleus.

    (2) Electrons orbit the nucleus in shells at fi xed distances.

    (3) Atoms are hard, indivisible spheres.

    (4) Electrons are located in regions called orbitals.


    An orbital is a region in an atom where there is a high probability of finding

    (1) an alpha particle

    (2) an electron

    (3) a neutron

    (4) a positron


    According to the wave-mechanical model of the atom, electrons are located in

    (1) orbitals

    (2) circular paths

    (3) a small, dense nucleus

    (4) a hard, indivisible sphere


    According to the wave-mechanical model, an orbital is defined as the most probable location of

    (1) a proton

    (2) a neutron

    (3) a positron

    (4) an electron


    Which statement describes the location of protons and neutrons in an atom of helium?

    (1) Protons and neutrons are in the nucleus.

    (2) Protons and neutrons are outside the nucleus.

    (3) Protons are outside the nucleus, and neutrons are in the nucleus.

    (4) Protons are in the nucleus, and neutrons are outside the nucleus.


    Which term is defined as the region in an atom where an electron is most likely to be located?

    (1) nucleus

    (2) orbital

    (3) quanta

    (4) spectra


    Which term identifies the most probable location of an electron in the wave-mechanical model of the atom?

    (1) anode

    (2) orbital

    (3) nucleus

    (4) cathode


    Which statement describes a concept included in the wave-mechanical model of the atom?

    (1) Positrons are located in shells outside the nucleus.

    (2) Neutrons are located in shells outside the nucleus.

    (3) Protons are located in orbitals outside the nucleus.

    (4) Electrons are located in orbitals outside the nucleus.


    According to the wave-mechanical model, an orbital is defined as the

    (1) circular path for electrons

    (2) circular path for neutrons

    (3) most probable location of electrons

    (4) most probable location of neutrons


    In the wave-mechanical model of the atom, an orbital is defined as

    (1) a region of the most probable proton location

    (2) a region of the most probable electron location

    (3) a circular path traveled by a proton around the nucleus

    (4) a circular path traveled by an electron around the nucleus


    According to the wave-mechanical model of the atom, an orbital is a region of the most probable location of

    (1) an alpha particle

    (2) a gamma ray

    (3) an electron

    (4) a proton


    An orbital is defined as a region of the most probable location of

    (1) an electron

    (2) a neutron

    (3) a nucleus

    (4) a proton


    An orbital of an atom is defined as the most probable location of

    (1) an electron

    (2) a neutron

    (3) a positron

    (4) a proton


    In the wave-mechanical model of the atom, an orbital is the most probable location of

    (1) a proton

    (2) a positron

    (3) a neutron

    (4) an electron